Springham Grove
Through using natural processes we have begun our regeneration of the grasslands. First resting the fields to allow the grasses to grow, thus increasing their root depth and reducing water runoff. Then a season of mob grazing with two herds borrowed from two local farmers who have been using this no input method of grazing for over ten years.
This has inspired at least ten other local farmers to take up similar practices.

Our rewilding at Springham has started. We have planted 2000 trees that make their way down to our river boundary. We have made several scrapes along the river to hold more water when it is in spate. Thus slowing the rivers flow.
We have a 2 kilometer river boundary that we are intending to return to wet woodland which is a priority habitat.
We have also planted trees in tree pens in soe of the larger fields in partnership with Forests without frontiers. and the woodland trust.
We have also planted a childrens forest with the local primar school.

Food Growing
We have created an Organic garden with a dome, built by Flo Domes, to demonstrate the no dig method. As digging releases carbon from the soil.
Its creator Gary Redding, also created two ponds one of which he has managed to get to be spring fed.

Working with young people
Working with the local Primary School we have created a childrens forest.
In partnership with the Childrens forest and Forests with out frontiers